With a terrain covering volcanoes, steaming fumaroles and forestlands, the Lassen Field Station is the newest addition to the University of California, Davis’ Natural Reserve System (NRS). Lassen’s volcanic landscape, forests, and mountains provide new research and field class opportunities in disciplines such as geology, wildfire ecology and forestry, climate change, snowpack and water resources, and polar ecology.
“The Lassen Field Station fills a big ecological and geographical gap in the UC Natural Reserve System and extends UC Davis field stations into completely new ecosystems,” said Professor Andrew Latimer of the UC Davis Department of Plant Sciences. “Access to this whole gradient — from the tree line to the tide line — is important for studying how the state’s ecosystems change and shift in response to rising temperatures and increasingly variable rainfall.”
The field station also expands UC Davis’ presence in an underserved region in northeast California. Researchers hope to make science education opportunities available to the community through hikes and talks led by visiting researchers, as well as becoming part of K-12 outreach programs already in place through the National Park Service.
Your donations will support the purchase and renovation of research infrastructure, create facilities for researcher and class stays, and provide for student research projects and public outreach.
For more information, visit: https://naturalreserves.ucdavis.edu/lassen-volcanic-national-park-partnership
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Allison Chilcott
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