The UC Natural Reserve System (NRS) is the largest and most diverse set of university-owned and operated reserves in the world. Its 39 reserves include examples of nearly every major ecosystem in the state. These reserves provide secure sites for long-term environmental research, education and public outreach. They enable monitoring of environmental health, and provide a baseline for ecosystem restoration, in the context of California's rapidly growing population and the changing global environment.
For more information about the Natural Reserve System, visit our website.
Associated Funds
- Bodega Marine Reserve
- Cahill Riparian Preserve Endowment
- Donald and Sylvia McLaughlin Natural Reserve
- Frank Maurer / Lenora Timm Quail Ridge Student Endowment
- Hands on the Land Support Fund
- Jepson Prairie Reserve
- Kids into Discovering Science Outreach Program
- Lassen Field Station Support Fund
- Natural Reserve System
- Quail Ridge Reserve
- Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve
Allison Chilcott
Managing Executive Director of Development, Research
(530) 979-1439 (Phone)