Support Leadership Engineering and Diversity Retention Center (LEADR)
Make a gift in memory of Sean Duffey and in honor of Hugh Dingle
Support the Aggie Pride Club, which is the official booster club of UC Davis Football!
Center for Chicanx and Latinx Academic Student Success
OneLoop tackles Elon Musk’s challenge put on higher education institutions: to build the fastest pod that can run within a vacuum tube
Support the Scott M. Fishman, MD Medical Student Scholarship
Join us in supporting the Center for Child and Family Studies
Make a Gift to the Alpine Ski and Snowboarding Club
Honor Marilyn and help support graduate students studying inorganic chemistry
Help fund theater and dance workshops for students
The Khourie Family Men's Tennis Scholarship endowment supports the UC Davis Athletics varsity men's tennis grant-in-aid program.
Improving the Teacher Education Program at the UC Davis School of Education
A gift to the Davis Botanical Society Student Grant Fund
Support hands on design education in the College of Engineering
The Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing Student Support Fund
A lasting investment in where and how our students learn
Make a Gift to the Guardian Teacher Scholarship Fund
Support student educational enhancement by making a gift today
Make a gift to Computer Science
GSM Graduate Business Award for Former Student-Athletes
Make a Gift to Support the Jan Conroy Memorial Internship for Graphic Design
Your gift directly supports the school's greatest needs
Make a Gift to the Brazil Family Bilingual Scholarship
Michael A. Maynard, DVM '17 Memorial Scholarship
Make a gift to the Graduate School of Management Master of Science in Business Analytics Fund
Make a gift to the PTX Graduate Group
Support the CounterAttack Club, which is the official booster club of Women's Water Polo!
Make a gift to support experiential learning for students at the Sustainable Living and Learning Communities
“For the Good of the Order” and “For the Good of the University.”
Help us to attract the very best students, provide them support, and recognize and honor their achievements.
Support interprofessional educational opportunities
Invest in LEADR students in Tanya Whitlow's memory
Make a Gift to the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Aaron Bair, MD Memorial Resident Education Fund
Support the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Invest in upgrades to the undergraduate teaching labs in Kemper Hall
Support underrepresented graduate students in the fields of physics and astronomy!
A lifelong friendship between Chancellor Gary May and his mentor led to the creation of this endowment to advance DEI in engineering
The Schmalenberger Award recognizes the highest standards of the university scholar-athlete who performs both academically & athletically.
Make a Gift to the Quarter Abroad Academic Opportunity Fund
Make a gift to the Oki Family Horticultural Endowment Fund
A gift to the Quail Ridge Reserve Fund supports the protection of the Quail Ridge peninsula for research and teaching.
Provides support to DVM graduate students pursuing a PhD degree in preparation for an academic career in clinical sciences.
UC Center Sacramento Building Renovation Fund
ROMBA Conference Student Support Fund
Support undergraduate History majors
Give to the Center for Neuroscience Community Outreach Fund
Saundra E. Willis DVM DACVIM Class of 1984 Small Ruminant Scholarship
Make a gift to support research and educational programs in Computer Science
Provide for students' financial needs that may be unmet by other funding sources.
To provide student support - intended to assist currently enrolled Graduate Students with immediate short-term financial assistance.
Award given annually to UC Davis female undergraduate student-athletes from various teams who model the highest university standards.
Make a gift to the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Endowment supporting the Agricultural Sustainability Institute
Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group support graduate student travel , awards, enrichment events and more
Support outstanding students in political science
Robert E. Hales Award for Excellence
Gifts to the Betty and Dick Lewis endowment generate support for the student athletic trainer award program.
Make a Gift to the Active Literacy Academy Program Fund
Support music lesson instructions for students!
Help provide students with opportunities beyond the classroom.
Support Undergraduate Scholarships
Join us supporting graduate students!
Make a gift to support the Iranian Student Association
The George Belenis Memorial endowed fund provides grant-in-aid for the Aggie Football team.
Dedicated to a healthy student body!
A fund to honor Elaine and support her passion for students, the environment and education
The UC Davis Cheer/STUNT team seeks to promote Aggie Pride and school spirit everywhere they go.
Make a gift to the Companion Animals Undergraduate Scholarship
Support the Marya Welch Initiative for Women's Athletics!
Scholarship for student focused on pediatric patients with developmental delays
The Club Fred Endowment Fund provides annual grant-in-aid for a varsity football defensive lineman.
Support the official student-run newspaper at UC Davis!
The Campbell Water Polo Award supports the grant-in-aid program for the Men's & Women's Varsity Water Polo teams in alternating years .
Helping students receive financial support
Support students with a desire to break down silos, work and collaborate effectively with other health care professionals
Your gift supports outstanding graduate students who exemplify the school's vision for change
Support Undergraduate Political Science Students - Beyond the Classroom!
The mission for the Center is: Inspiring Students – Building Community – Enhancing Lives.
Support mental health care services for children in foster care!
Providing financial aid assistance to AB540 and undocumented students
Support Undergraduate Students in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Supports the intercollegiate athletics men's water polo grant-in-aid fund
Supporting the Center for African Diaspora Student Success
To support collaborative vision research in honor of Dr. Schwab
Recognizing outstanding undergraduate research done through the UC Davis Library!
Provide scholarship support to veterinary students pursing a DVM degree.
Support an innovative digital learning project!
Support the American Society of Civil Engineers at UC Davis
Support the Carl Keen Graduate Student Award!
Make a gift to the Bodega Marine Reserve, part of the UC Natural Reserve System
Support the Construction Engineering and Management Excellence Fund
Support students engaging with the LGBTQIA Resource Center
Support Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Grant-in-aid for football student-athlete majoring in early childhood development, special ed, pre-med pediatrics or developmental research.
Give to the Center for Population Biology Postdoctoral Fellowship Fund
ASUCD Pantry
Supports a member of the UC Davis women's track & field team.
Support the Aquatic Research Collective!
Support Computer Science graduate students through the Walters Memorial Scholarship
Make your gift to support Wheelhouse
Support professional development specialized for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.
The Lotter endowment was established to honor both Jane and Will for everything they have done for the UC Davis Men's Soccer program.
The SPEAK fund provides communications training and outreach opportunities for students and early career scientists
Supporting the personal, academic, and professional success of Asian American & Pacific Islander students at UC Davis.
Aggie Parent & Family Council Scholarship
Make a gift today to support private lessons for UC Davis music students.