The Donald G. Low-CVMA Practitioner Fellowship, co-sponsored by the California Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) and the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, grew from an appreciation of the need for and advantages of ongoing interaction between California private practitioners and the school.
The fellowship provides unique opportunities for practitioners to learn (1) in the clinical setting of the William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (2) in other school programs, laboratories and centers such as the Veterinary Medical Teaching and Research Center (VMTRC) and (3) through interactions with faculty, residents, and students.
Endowment earnings provide the financial resources to support the fellowship. Participating service units, programs, and laboratories receive support from the endowment at approximately the rate paid by veterinary students to offset additional costs associated with the fellow and to support the educational program of the unit.
No direct financial support for fellows is available. Fellows do not pay registration fees or tuition.
Upon completion of the program, fellows are awarded 72 Continuing Education credits.
Similar Funds
Ms. Dominique Laqui, Director of Annual Programs
School of Veterinary Medicine - Office of Advancement
(530) 752-7024 (Phone)
Fund purpose
Student Support
Fund type