Donate to this fund

The best hope for the world’s future resides in today’s students. For many Hong Kong youths, financial support is crucial to be successful and to take full advantage of academic opportunities overseas. Since the 1960s at UC Davis, Hong Kong undergraduate students have found it to be a conducive environment, offering a comprehensive range of subject areas that prepares students to become global experts and leaders in their industries. This integrated research community allows students to reach new heights of knowledge and to become trailblazers in emerging industries around the world.

Click on the “Donate to this Fund” button above to create opportunities and transform lives of Hong Kong high school students by making a gift to the Hong Kong Undergraduate Scholarship Fund. These scholarship awards, up to half of the cost per academic year per student, are eligible only to students who completed high school in Hong Kong. The size of the award given to each student will vary based on enrollment and merit – administered by the Office of Undergraduate & Prestigious Scholarships.

As this is an endowed fund, the impact of your gift is in perpetuity, establishing a pipeline of support for generations of Hong Kong youths to study and earn their degrees at UC Davis. Together with others who support this cause, you will transform the lives of deserving Hong Kong youths while expanding the university’s capacity to offer targeted international scholarships.

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Marina Tan Harper (陳美月)
Senior Director of Development, International Development
+1 (530) 754-2021 (Phone)

Fund purpose

Student Support

Fund type

