The Sports Medicine Program at the University of California, Davis is charged with the responsibility for the care and prevention of athletic injuries incurred by intercollegiate student-athletes including evaluation, recognition, treatment and rehabilitation of athletic injuries, providing protective equipment/supplies, assisting with nutritional and psychological concerns, being a site facilitator for the NCAA Drug Testing Program, serving in a liaison position with medical personnel and maintaining appropriate medical records.
A secondary mission is to provide a learning environment for the undergraduate sports medicine student interns. The Sports Medicine Department is dedicated to teaching the student intern athletic trainers the fundamental skills of athletic training and rehabilitation through an intensive clinical environment as well as formal lecture, discussion and course work.
The success of this program is largely due to the effectiveness of our team of highly skilled and exceptionally qualified individuals. This team is comprised of a core group of Certified Athletic Trainers, approximately thirty-two student interns, a full-time physician dedicated to Intercollegiate Athletics as well as 15 volunteer physicians, representing all areas of sports medicine specialties from primary care to orthopedics. Together, this program is responsible for the health and well being of over 700 student-athletes in 25 intercollegiate athletic teams.
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Athletics Development Office
530-754-7548 (Phone)
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Other Purposes
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