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This department award is named in memory Khaled Kheiravar. A native of Iran, Khaled had an interest in both energy and environmental economics, and became a mainstay of the graduate community in the energy economics program at Davis.

Khaled Kheiravar had received his Ph.D. in Economics from UC Davis in Spring 2019 and had been working at the California Air Resources Board since graduation.

Professor Bushnell, his main advisor remembers him as “He was incredibly dedicated as both a researcher and as an instructor,”, “there were times where you could clearly see how much he was struggling with his health but he always did everything he could to provide support for his colleagues, and his students. Rather than become bitter or give up, he was always optimistic and kind.

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Charlene Mattison
Assistant Dean
(530) 752-3429 (Phone)

Fund purpose

Student Support

Fund type