The Green Program started in 2018 to fund two fellowships each year for five years and also support and strengthen the Sustainable Living and Learning Communities (SLLC) program overall. The SLLC presently includes the Student Farm, the Domes & Tri Co-ops, the ASUCD Campus Center for the Environment (incl. The Community Garden and Project Compost), the Feminist Research Institute, D-Lab and more. Based on our experience during the first five years of the program, and interactions with students and staff, we have expanded the program to support additional opportunities for more students to advance personal growth while participating in developing the SLLC as a whole.
The Green Program is built around five pillars; each is a way to support students working collaboratively with mentors and peers to develop diverse practical skills and knowledge, and encourage their creativity, initiative, leadership, and commitment to service and society. The Five Pillars are (1) Green Fellowships for SLLC-based projects, (2) Field-based, mentored, experiential learning at the SLLC, (3) Student leadership at the SLLC, (4) Student-led infrastructure improvement projects at the SLLC, (5) Community-building and career-pathways activities centered on the SLLC. For more information visit
Similar Funds
Mackensie Priley
Director of Development
(530) 752-1602 (Phone)
Fund purpose
Department Support
Fund type