The Fishes, Floodplains, and Springs Research Program focuses on applied aquatic ecology, emphasizing the physical and chemical processes affecting anadromous fishes across freshwater and estuarine ecosystems. Our goals are to understand the effects of these processes on fishes and produce research that fill the knowledge gaps for the fisheries and water resource managers who are charged with implementing effective restoration and conservation measures for the imperiled native species in California. In particular, this work focuses on how restoration and innovative floodplain habitats improve the status of native fishes.
We have progressively developed novel methodologies, new conceptual models and transdisciplinary collaborations, engaging a wide range of partners — from farmers and ranchers to agency and NGO scientists/managers — to develop forward-looking solutions for difficult natural resource problems in California.
Your gift to this research program will directly support 1) the development of new research approaches and 2) training the next generation of scientists and resource managers by supporting our undergraduate and graduate students.
To learn more about supporting our research and students, please contact Dr. Carson Jeffres at
Similar Funds
Toni Myshyakova
Associate Director of Development, Office of Research
530.219.6752 (Phone)
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