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The Livestock and Field Service Center (LFSC) will be the first patient care area to come online. The center has been designed in consultation with Temple Grandin, Ph.D., well known for her groundbreaking work in engineering humane animal facilities and is a fellow in the Society of Biological and Agricultural Engineers. Emphasizing modern concepts in animal welfare, Dr. Grandin partnered with us to create the best possible environment for livestock handling, care and clinical teaching.

Delivery of veterinary services for livestock producers and companion livestock owners has evolved since 1946 when large-scale operations preferred on-location veterinary care delivered through ambulatory services. Increasingly, the client base of the Large Animal Clinic comes from owners of high-value production animals and owners who keep livestock as companions. It is more cost effective for these animals to be brought to the Large Animal Clinic for care.

The livestock handling facilities at the Large Animal Clinic were originally designed to handle dairy cattle, which are larger and more docile than the beef cattle now seen commonly in the hospital practice. Upgrades and modifications to the facilities are now required to improve student and clinician safety and provide animal patients with outstanding veterinary care.

Veterinary students gain valuable experience in livestock medicine during fourth-year clinical rotations. For those actively pursuing a livestock career path, the rotations also are absolute necessities. Many aspects of the rotations enhance the future of students who pursue other avenues in veterinary medicine.

By providing a safe and controlled environment with a diverse caseload, rotations through the Livestock Medicine Service allow students to participate in surgeries such as castrations, common abdominal surgeries, C-sections and leg fracture repairs. This rotation also offers students additional experience with radiology, ultrasound, endoscopy, and even laparoscopy, CT and MRI.

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Ms. Dominique Laqui, Director of Annual Programs
School of Veterinary Medicine - Office of Advancement
(530) 752-7024 (Phone)

Fund purpose

Department Support

Fund type