The Diagnostic Imaging Service makes a difference to almost half of the animals visiting the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH). Our goal is to advance veterinary medicine by studying what images can tell us about the body and the conditions our clinicians can diagnose and treat. We support doctors treating dogs, cats, horses, and exotic species by taking images and interpreting what they tell us about the animal’s health.
The Diagnostic Imaging Service fund will provide unrestricted support to help fund the projects, personnel, and equipment we need to make new discoveries in CT, MRI, fluoroscopy, PET, ultrasound, and radiography. Our talented residents, staff, and faculty have the curiosity and drive to develop innovative ways to use imaging to improve animal health in all species.
Similar Funds
Ms. Dominique Laqui, Director of Annual Programs
School of Veterinary Medicine - Office of Advancement
(530) 752-7024 (Phone)
Fund purpose
Department Support
Fund type