Ensuring the Future of Oncology
Dr. Theilen’s early research and visionary philosophy attracted top comparative oncology and research scientists to both the School of Medicine and the School of Veterinary Medicine. His legacy continues today not only in collaborative cancer research but through the unsurpassed clinical care delivered to patients every day.
A concerted effort is underway to create an endowed fund in comparative oncology in his honor. This fund will allow the school to continue Dr. Theilen’s legacy by supporting innovative scholarly activities that include faculty support, laboratory staffing, graduate student support and equipment for a leading-edge research program.
How You Can Help
Please join with us in honoring Dr. Gordon Theilen and ensuring the future of comparative oncology by contributing to the Gordon Theilen Endowed Fund today.
Similar Funds
Ms. Dominique Laqui, Director of Annual Programs
School of Veterinary Medicine - Office of Advancement
(530) 752-7024 (Phone)
Fund purpose
Department Support
Fund type