Donate to CCAH General Support

Our goal at the Center for Companion Animal Health is to improve the health of pets and companion animals by encouraging studies into diseases that affect the health of dogs, cats, and small alternative pets.

Successful programs at our School require a mixture of motivated faculty, well- equipped facilities, and adequate funding for health studies. The Center funds faculty and resident researchers who are interested in advancing knowledge of veterinary medicine through a competitive grant application program. We also help to disperse this cutting-edge knowledge through faculty exchanges, international seminars and workshops, participation in faculty clinical and research publications, newsletters, consultations, and participation at meetings.

All of what our Center accomplishes is a reflection of our partnership with and the generosity of individuals and foundation members who seek to improve the lives of our animal companions.


Ms. Dominique Laqui, Director of Annual Programs
School of Veterinary Medicine - Office of Advancement
(530) 752-7024 (Phone)