The written word is one of the most powerful forms of therapy. For example, both writing and reading poetry, through the expression of feelings and words has highly therapeutic effects on the mind. These can be used in a variety of ways in dealing with resistance, denial, transference binds, anger, repression, and grief during the psychotherapeutic process. To promote the practical application of prose and poetry in psychotherapy training, the Mark and Tanya Schaal Prose and Poetry in Psychotherapy Program endowment provides support for the sustainability, implementation and enhancement of the program over time. Funds may support activities including but not limited to providing an academic forum, a collaborator stipend or honorarium for an academic faculty in the arts and humanities, or psychotherapist with expertise in the written words, or funds for the faculty supervisor to attend conferences or courses to enhance their expertise in the written word in psychotherapy.
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Jennifer Scott
Executive Director of Development
(530) 601-3380 (Phone)
Fund purpose
Department Support
Fund type