The Department of Public Health Sciences is a major research, teaching and service academic unit with programs in a wide range of areas addressing population health and disease prevention. The Department is dedicated to the improving health by providing public health education, conducting epidemiologic research, public service, and health policy development. A key focus is training the next generation of public health professionals and academics. By leveraging our partnerships with communities and public health agencies, the Department of Public Health Sciences conducts research to identify drivers of health and develops novel interventions to improve population health. We also seek to eliminate of barriers to improved health for traditionally underserved populations that include communities of color, immigrants, refugees, rural residents, and special occupational cohorts (e.g., farmworkers). The Department is also the UC Davis home to the Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, a state-funded multi-campus research and education program.
Lynnette F. Teti
Managing Executive Director of Development
916-717-3783 (Phone)