Vision research at the UC Davis Eye Center is conducted by an interdisciplinary team of researchers in the School of Medicine, Veterinary School, and Primate Center. Together with campus vision scientists in 15 different departments and the Center for Neuroscience, our team distinguishes itself from virtually every other university eye center in the United States.
Your gift will be used to support research performed by clinician-scientists who are in the early stages of their career and who have not yet been awarded a substantial, competing NIH research grant.
TO MAKE A GIFT BY MAIL, please make a check payable to UC Davis Foundation and mail it to UC Davis Health Sciences Development & Alumni Relations, PO Box 160186, Sacramento, CA 95816. In the check memo line, please indicate the name of the fund your gift supports.
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Sheena Summers
Senior Director of Development
916-878-9924 (Phone)
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