Thank you for your interest in supporting our Dermatology Alumni Society. The goals of this group are to:
- Maintain a current roster of all alumni of residents, fellows, and former faculty.
- Encourage, foster, and promote close relations amongst the alumni.
- Provide information regarding the department to graduates, faculty, and students. Guide and assist alumni through engagement opportunities.
- Support department efforts by obtaining funds to advance opportunities for our current residents and fellows.
- Provide a forum for alumni to exchange ideas about academic, cultural, and social issues through coordinating reunion activities for the alumni.
- Provide alumni access to UC Davis resources such as the library, grand rounds, and other educational events.
If you are interested in joining the board, please contact our Chair, Danielle Tartar, M.D., Ph.D., at Thank you to all former residents who are serving in our inaugural year for the Alumni Society!
Chair, Danielle Tartar (Class of 2017) Vice Chair, Fara Kamangar (Class of 2016) Treasurer, Farzam Gorouhi (Class of 2018) Secretary, Baran Ho (Class of 2017)
Our board also has the following elected voting council members:
Kim Frederickson (Class of 1997) Ann Haas (Class of 1991) Artur Henke (Class of 2004) Larissa Larsen (Class of 2014) Teri McGillis (Class of 1988) Martin Reichel (Class of 1992) Sima Torabian(Class of 2008)
Similar Funds
Reese Scherber
Executive Director of Development
(916) 291-5775 (Phone)
Fund purpose
Department Support
Fund type