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Founded in the early 1970s, The Latinx Law Students Association (LaLSA) is dedicated to increasing the number of Latinxs in law school and the legal profession. To further this goal, LaLSA actively engages in the recruitment of undergraduate students, academic and professional support for our current students, and the hiring process of faculty of color. We are committed to increasing the number of Latinx students in law school and the legal field while providing a comprehensive support system. We also seek to promote awareness of issues facing the Latinx community and to share Latinx cultures and identities.

Throughout the year, we plan and host events geared towards empowering our Latinx community, both within and beyond the campus walls. These events include the Lorenzo Patiño Banquet, a public service awards ceremony and scholarship fundraiser named in memory of Judge Lorenzo Patiño, whose career exemplified the commitment to public service and diversity that defines King Hall.

We are currently raising funds to support our 3L members who will be studying for the bar after graduation. Your contribution will support many important initiatives, including funding scholarships and bar preparation for graduating LaLSA members, and further honor Judge Lorenzo Patiño.

Formerly known as La Raza Law Students Association

Similar Funds


Taylor Theg
Interim Director of Development
530-304-8078 (Phone)

Fund purpose

Other Purposes

Fund type

