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The Jun Aoki Book Award was established to honor the memory and good deeds of Professor Tanaka's father-in-law Mr. Jun Aoki.

The late Jun Aoki was a life-long resident of Woodland, California. Following his service in Germany during World War II, he returned to Woodland and with his brothers, and became one of the largest tomato growers in Yolo County. His kindness to his workers was legendary and it was not unusual for families from decades past, to stop by his home to thank him for his generosity.

He was a lifelong learner, a student of life, and a man of few words. He loved to read about far-away places, enjoyed photography, fishing, and had a soft spot in his heart for all wayward people and animals. His proudest achievement was to see all his five daughters educated and "out of the house."

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Taylor Theg
Interim Director of Development
530-304-8078 (Phone)

Fund purpose

Student Support

Fund type

