Donate to Innovation Institute for Food and Health Support Fund

The Innovation Institute for Food and Health (IIFH) is a premier innovation institute at UC Davis focusing on building a world where the food we eat every day plays the leading role in making metabolic health accessible to everyone. IIFH works with a world-class consortium of investors, corporations, start-ups, universities and foundations to reimagine markets for metabolic health. Our deepening understanding of our body biochemistry – and the role of food choices in it – is unlocking the potential for a happier, healthier, and longer life. Frustratingly, most people are instead seeing the opposite come true – affected by a global disease epidemic of massive proportions, driven by series of metabolic dysfunctions and missed opportunities. IIFH combines cutting-edge health insights with consumer understanding and innovative food technologies to create great tasting, affordable food and health choices. The result is active support for healthier lifestyles for everyone.


Allison Chilcott
Managing Executive Director of Development, Research
530.979.1439 (Phone)