Elizabeth “Susie” Williams is a former employee of UC Davis Athletics in Student-Athlete Services with a focus on academic eligibility. She was one of the founders of the Cal Aggie Boosters, fundraisers and "friendraisers", whose primary focus was to grow Aggie Pride in the community and among alumni far and wide.
She was a strong supporter of athletics programs for women and helped establish the UC Davis women’s golf team with Golf Coach Kathy DeYoung. This grant-in-aid, in memory of Kathy DeYoung, will be given each year to a student-athlete who is designated by the women's golf coach.
In 1991, Susie helped UC Davis student-athlete Mike Shepherd with his winning submission for the National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame Scholar-Athlete Award. Susie earned a Special Recognition Award from UC Davis Athletics Hall of Fame in 1995 for her volunteer work to help student-athletes secure scholarships.
Similar Funds
Athletics Development Office
530-754-7548 (Phone)
Fund purpose
Student Support
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