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The UC Davis Neuroscience Consortium is a comprehensive and vibrant community of scientists, engineers and clinicians dedicated to solving three of the grandest challenges facing humanity:

  • Understanding how the brain works
  • Designing next-generation technologies that will transform our world
  • Developing treatments and cures to improve lives

UC Davis has one of the largest neuroscience communities in the world, spanning 8 interdisciplinary centers and 41 departments across 5 colleges and schools.

Our neuroscientists work in highly collaborative, interdisciplinary teams to understand how the brain perceives and interacts with the world, especially through learning, remembering and decision-making.

We are pushing the frontiers of understanding how nervous systems are disrupted by disease and are developing new strategies to assist, treat and prevent disorders of the mind and brain and nervous system.

Our discoveries are also leading to advances in AI, education and policy that will increase the quality of life for everyone.

Through all of our research efforts, we focus on innovative approaches to train and inspire the next generation of neuroscience leaders at every level—from fellows and postdocs, to residents and medical students, to graduate and undergraduate students, even to K-12 students.

Finally, our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion permeates and elevates every aspect of our research community.

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Office of University Development
(530) 754-4438 (Phone)

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Other Purposes

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