Since 2011, Huizache has been at the forefront of Latinx literature. It has featured works by poet laureates, MacArthur and Guggenheim fellows, and winners of many prestigious awards. Founding editor Dagoberto Gilb wanted Huizache to be the preeminent magazine of Latinx literature, focusing on innovative prose and poetry that exploded preconceived notions of what Latinx literature can and should be. Now housed at UC Davis under the editorship of Professor Maceo Montoya, Huizache forms the foundation of a literary initiative that includes the magazine, a first book poetry prize, and a reading series. Your support helps make UC Davis a key hub for fostering Latinx literature in the 21st century.
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Charlene Mattison
Assistant Dean
(530) 752-3429 (Phone)
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Department Support
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