The Super Fritz & Friends Fund was established at the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center to fund a new position (Pediatric Patient & Family Navigator) to enhance resources for families battling pediatric cancer. The fund was inspired by the care of a patient, Fritz Stark (age 2 1/2 at time of diagnosis). The purpose of the Fund is to provide support services to families both during treatment and after discharge. Expenses outside of the Pediatric Patient & Family Navigator position may include but are not limited to:
- Evaluating the needs of families to determine needed resources for lodging assistance for families traveling more than 35 miles to treatment, insurance coordination, school assistance for both the patient and siblings, and financial assistance for essential needs like groceries and transportation.
- Assisting families apply for: In Home Support Services (IHHS), Family Medical Leave (FMLA), DMV placards, and financial and supportive resources from community organizations like Make-A-Wish and American Cancer Society.
Your generosity touches each patient by supporting the pediatric team at UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center provide exceptional, evidence-based care, as well as reduce barriers to treatment and enhance the care pathway for pediatric patients and families during one of the most challenging times of their lives.
If you are interested in donating by check, please make the check payable to UC Davis Foundation and and mail to UC Davis Health Sciences Development & Alumni Relations PO Box 160186, Sacramento, CA 95816. Thank you so much for your support of this important initiative to bring hope to our families impacted by pediatric cancer.
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Reese Olander
Managing Executive Director of Development
775-544-8806 (Phone)
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Other Purposes
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