Agriculture is one of the most dangerous occupations in the U.S and one of the largest industrial sectors of California. WCAHS conducts multidisciplinary research, education, and community trainings to help prevent agriculture-related illness and injury in the Western US. Research and outreach are focused on the unique farming challenges of the West, such as heat-related illness, dust exposure and respiratory disease, and the vulnerable, often migrant worker population. WCAHS works with a wide range of agriculture and health related organizations to achieve its mission.
A gift to WCAHS will support:
- Training of future leaders in agriculture-related occupational health and safety.
- Research solutions designed to help the farming community with specific health and safety problems.
- Educational outreach to farmers and farm workers.
- Promotion of agricultural health and safety to state and federal policy makers.
For more information about the Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety, visit our website
Associated Funds
Allison Chilcott
Managing Executive Director of Development, Research
530.979.1439 (Phone)