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Your gift to the Design to Data (D2D) fund provides support for a national network headquartered at UC Davis, poised to provide meaningful research experiences to tens of thousands of students who otherwise would not have the opportunity.

The core of the D2D program is a computationally driven biochemistry research project that anchors a curriculum across a network of highly motivated faculty members. In D2D, undergraduate students meaningfully contribute to science by measuring the function of computationally designed enzymes, which the students design, build, and test. This hands-on learning experience prepares students for success in this new era of biology while crowdsourcing data collection for improved protein modeling AI methods. Our goal is to equitably grow the STEM workforce by reimagining how we teach science and making these innovations scalable. We believe that students learn best, not as spectators, but as contributing practitioners of science. The resulting human talent, tools, and knowledge generated by this project will enable the biotechnology industry to more rapidly deliver human and planetary solutions for a safe, sustainable, and secure future.

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Jennifer Scott
Managing Executive Director of Development
(530) 752-2097 (Phone)

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