Professor Shu Lin, Emeritus Faculty in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, made a lasting impact on countless students through teaching, mentoring, and friendship during his decades long career at UC Davis. Additionally, Professor Lin was a world renowned scholar in the area of error correction codes and leaves a legacy of innovation in this area. To honor and ensure this legacy continues, the Electrical and Computer Department has established the Shu Lin Graduate Student Conference Travel Fund, which will enable well-deserving Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate students' to attend conferences related to information systems. The goal of this fund is to build towards an endowment of $50,000 by January 2025 to exist in perpetuity. If the endowment threshold is not met by the timeline, donations will be utilized as a current-use fund over several years.
Similar Funds
Leigh Ann Hartman
Assistant Dean of Development
530-304-8256 (Phone)
Fund purpose
Student Support
Fund type